I think we always asociate quakes with the Ring of Fire in the Pacific and we are right,but there are places like the UK where there is a recorded history of intense seismic activity every so many years and it's quite intense according to what it's been published.
This particular quake at Folkestone on last April 28th this year,is the highest recorded quake in 100 years-in the UK-with a maximun intensity assessed as of 6-7 EMS...
This pattern of increased seismic activity worldwide is not only referred as number of seismic episodes,but also as of an "increased recorded intensity",as you can all read below in the previous posts.
The Bible says that Jesus is the same yesterday,today and forever.He is unchanging....!So we can rest assured that if He said something....He will bring it to pass...
He said there would be earthquakes in divers places and also that that was the beginning of sorrows....
As the earth birthing pangs increase,the quake activity will too as we are witnessing....
This is one sign more to have us all ready at all times and looking up...
This is not a time to fear,but to trust in Him and to help and comfort others that- as recently in Peru-have been the victims of terrible quakes and aftershocks...
Let's be watchful and ready....
A quake may strike in your area soon....!!!
As in the days of Noah...
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