The National Commission on Human Rights said in a statement the treatment of the mudflow victims amounted to rights violations, accusing both Lapindo and the government of indifference. Lapindo has stopped giving food rations to the displaced since the start of this month, saying that displaced residents should accept the compensation being offered."They can't live there forever. They should immediately submit documents and accept the compensation," said company spokeswoman Yuniwati Teryana.Victims have refused to move away from the area, saying they want cash compensation at one go to build their own houses.New research by a team from Durham University UK and the Bandung Institute of Technology in Indonesia found the mud volcano is collapsing and could subside to depths of over 140 meters.Such sudden collapses could be the beginning of a caldera, a large basin-shaped volcanic depression, Durham University said.
"This could continue to have a significant environmental impact on the surrounding area for years to come," said research co-author Richard Davies in a statement from Durham.Chalid Muhammad from leading Indonesian green group Walhi told a news conference on Thursday the disaster was "the worst environmental crime of the century".A spokesman for a government team tasked with handling the disaster, Ahmad Zulkarnaen, said flammable gas had begun coming out from the ground in residential areas not affected by the mud.The government has tried several schemes to halt the flow, including dropping giant concrete balls into the crater, but the mud continues to spurt.The situation has also become a bigger embarrassment for the government since PT Energi Mega Persada Tbk is owned by the Bakrie Group, controlled by the family of chief social welfare minister, Aburizal Bakrie.The Bakrie family last year topped the Forbes' list for the wealthy in Indonesia."Why can't Aburizal Bakrie just set aside a little of his wealth for the people of Porong for the sake of his family's good name," said Bambang Kuswiyanto, one of displaced victims.($1 = 9,295 rupiah)
As in the days of Noah....
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